Poster & Presentation Guidelines

Poster Guidelines

Please adhere to the following poster format: A0 (84,1 cm x 119 cm, portrait format). Other formats, particular posters in landscape orientation, might not fit the board area.

The following poster sessions are planned:
Poster session I (odd numbers): Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 3:00-5:00 pm
Poster session II (even numbers): Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 3:00-5:00 pm

Posters will be presented in the seminar rooms 018, 019, and 020 in Haus 1. Poster boards will be marked with you poster number. Please check on-site in which room the poster board for your poster is set up.
Mounting is possible from Monday, Septmber 9 from 11:00 am. Mounting pins will be provided.

All poster presenters should be at their poster during their allotted session.

Posters should be kept on display during the whole duration of the conference (or as long as you are staying).
Please remove your poster if possible during or after the lunch break on Thursday and at the latest by 5:30 pm. Posters that are removed by then may be discarded.

Presentation Guidelines

If you are scheduled for an oral presentation you will find the detailed program including the time slot for your presentation on

As the talk schedule is rather tight and we want to reserve time for questions and exchange with attendees, we ask you to particularly pay attention to respecting the maximum duration for your talk.

  • For invited speakers in plenary sessions: your talk is limited to 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions
  • For invited speakers in parallel sessions: your talk is limited to 20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.
  • For selected speakers in parallel sessions: your talk is limited to 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.

This is particularly important in order to maintain program synchronicity between parallel sessions to allow participants to switch between rooms. Please respect your session chair which are tasked to keep talks in time. Also, “traffic lights” will switch from green to yellow when you have 2 minutes left and to red once your time is over.

We provide computers running Microsoft Windows and Powerpoint, connected to projectors in 16:9 format. If possible, we prefer for you to use these computers in order to speed up the switching between speakers and avoid technical issues. Please provide your presentation in .ppt, .pptx, or .pdf file format on a USB-A drive. Please make sure to embed videos or special fonts directly in the Powerpoint file. You should also have a back-up presentation in pdf format (in case of compatibility issues).

If necessary, you can also connect your own computer to the video projector (HDMI, VGA and USB-C cables will be available; otherwise please make sure to bring an adapter for your video port). However, since we must end the talks according to the schedule, you will be responsible for the time lost if any projection problems occur.

Wireless presenters with bright green LEDs and remote slide control (forward/backward, black screen, start/stop) are provided. You are welcome to use your own, but we cannot guarantee compatibility.

Please arrive in your assigned auditorium at the start of the break before your session to meet with the our team as well as the session chair and upload and test your slides on the provided computer or test your own computer with our technical support team.

If you are scheduled in one of the morning plenary sessions, please come at least 20 min before the session starts or after a session on the day before to upload your talk/test equipment.