
During the conference several prizes will be awarded during several ceremonies. These prizes are announced annually by the FGMR and the awardees have been selected by the respective selection committees based on nominations. After a short laudatio and the handouver of the prize, each awardee will give a talk about their scientifc work which formed the basis for the selection.

Ernst Award

ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Unbekannt / Portr_13862 / CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In honor of the Nobel laureate Richard R. Ernst's memory and his essential contributions to the application of magnetic resonance in solution, the solid state, and imaging, the FGMR gives the Ernst Award for outstanding publications by young scientists, before the doctorate is completed.

Albert Overhauser Award

Purdue News Photo, courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Overhauser Collection, Physics Today Collection

In honor of Albert W. Overhauser's pioneering research, the FGMR has been offering the Albert Overhauser Award since 2019. The award recognizes an outstanding scientific publication by a young scientist at the postdoc level.

Felix Bloch Lectureship

ETH Library, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In honor of Nobel laureate Felix Bloch's memory, the FGMR awards the Felix Bloch Lectureship, with which the special achievements of independent scientists at an ealry career stage in the past five years are recognized.

Otto Stern Award

Unknown (Mondadori Publishers), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In honor of Nobel laureate Otto Stern's memory and to honor the lifetime achievements of internationally outstanding personalities in the field of magnetic resonance, the FGMR awards the Otto Stern Award at irregular intervals.

Honorary Lifetime Membership of the GDCh Division Magnetic Resonance

The honorary lifetime membership is intended to recognize special services to FGMR as an institution and towards its goals. This includes, in particular, the commitment to founding, maintaining and expanding as well as emphatically and permanently promoting the activities of the division.